Zdravstveno-sigurnosni nadzor na vjetroturbini u Mosuru

Inženjeri iz INZA Grupe završili su još jedan uspješan projekat - nadzor zdravlja i sigurnosti na vrlo rizičnom projektu - zamjeni propelera na vjetroturbini u Mosuru. Pored održavanja solarnih i vjetroelektrana, inženjeri INZA Grupe u mogućnosti su razviti digitalni integrirani model...

INZALab ekstenzije i ekspanzije akreditacija

Sa zadovoljstvom obavještavamo naše klijente, ali i sve zainteresirane da je akreditovana "INZAlab"-Ispitna laboratorija uspješno završila aktivnosti vezane za BATA ocjenu u cilju proširenja i proširenja oblasti akreditacije, koja je sprovedena u jula i avgusta 2022. godine, čime je potvrđen status...

INZA Timski rad poslije posla

Working on interpersonal relations and connecting employees can also take place outside the office. This week it was the men's football team INZA. Team has been regularly playing football for some time now, usually on Thursdays. Football teaches valuable lessons in teamwork that apply both on and off the field:...

INZA grupa u Intersolar Minhenu

INZA Group visited the Intersolar fair in Munich last week, in order to better familiarize itself with the possibilities related to the development of the solar industry. "The aim of the visit is to get acquainted with solar energy technologies that are insufficiently or not at all represented in our...

INZA Academy

INZA Academy Opened Within the Research and Development sector, started the work of the INZA Academy for Human Resources Development. Based on the start-up of smart specialisation and digital transformation, everybody interersted in attractive jobs will be educated, in order to prevent the trend of young people leaving abroad. Support...